Instruction videos

Watch all instruction videos and learn how to do your own accounting and file your own VAT returns!

octojan-videoWe know that effective organisation of accounts can be quite a challenge. We have therefore made these instruction videos that will show you how to work together with us. Within a few minutes you will know how to keep track of your accounting.

Organise your OctoBinder

In this video, OctoJan will show you how easy it is to organise your accounting as an entrepreneur. What do you need? Your mail, a pen, all business related receipts, your OctoBinder (available for free), a stapler, a paper puncher, adhesive tape, a date stamp with text (if required), a computer and something to drink..

How does the OctoSheet work?

Now it’s time to process your accounting in your computer. For this you’ll need the OctoSheet. You can download the OctoSheet for free. OctoSheet is an Excelsheet for your accounting. Enter your costs and your own invoices, upload your bank transactions and get an overview of your financial situation.

Processing your invoices

You’ll get an explanation on how to draw up and to complete your own invoices for your accounting. For this you need the OctoBinder (available for free) and the OctoSheet.

File your VAT return

When it’s time to file your Dutch VAT-return, this video will help you to do this properly. For this you also use the OctoBinder (available for free) and the OctoSheet.

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